Wednesday 5 March 2014

All About Us

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ― C.S. Lewis

(Sherilyn# Shakira# Farihin)

First time taking selfies together. Not bad ehh

*Our first blog together*
We are three bright (self praising) lads who are still in journey of becoming a pharmacist. Yup.. pharmacists we are.  
Currently doing our degree in Management & Science University (MSU) Malaysia. 
We are Farihin, Sherilyn & Shakira. We have been through one and a half semester here in university. We are still getting to know each other and coping with our studies here.
Sarawakian girl with a mix of Sabahan gene. I am ** years old (hint:Taylor Swift song)
I just graduated with a Diploma in Pharmacy at the same university. My style is simple, treat me right then I'l treat you way better. The way I see life is like an open ocean.. calm but full of odds. My way of staying positive is being grateful & embracing everything with an open heart. Life is too short to be grumpy or unhappy. Enjoy life as it is. 
 " Simple girl with big heart" . That is enough to describe me :) Age? Age is just a number, not so important. haha. I am from Johor, i love shopping, online shopping, window shopping and whatever kind of shopping =) 
 "Dear self, today you will SHINE" <3 

"BaKingdom" . It is the combination of two words which are Baking + Kingdom. I love baking and also eating..So, I wish i could have my own baking territory one sweet day! :)